Magnificent Kurmanarayana Jayanthi Mahotsav

||Swayambhu Sri Kurma Narayana||

Kurmanarayana Jayanthi Mahotsav is celebrated in Sri Nallagutta Kurmakshetra in Haligera Gramakondas under Mandal under the guidance of AG Naresh and village elders. He said that Kurmanarayana Jayanti is celebrated every year on Jaishta Suddha Dwadasa in the year of Swasti Sri Vikaranama.

Special Pooja During Mahostava

Special pujas in the temple in the morning, milk abhishekam to the lord at 5 o’clock, sandalwood abhishekam, abhishekam with river water, decoration, Sri Lakshmi Ashtavatara Sahitya, Sri Vishnu Sahasranama recitation, 27 constellations, all human beings are born in one star or another. 27 times Nakshatra Mala was performed to ensure that everyone is happy and healthy. Avadhuta Hanumappa Puja to Grandfather Hanumappa, Special Puja to the oldest Ravi Vriksha, Shami Vriksha Puja, Amrita Kalasa Puja, Lord Vishnu with Swami’s Portrait
Sahasranamam was recited and circumambulation of the hills was performed and pujas were performed to Nagadevata Putta.

Asvatha Tree

In Waligera village of Aspari mandal, the Shivlingam next to Shri Kurmanarayana, which is shining on its own, and the putta inside is like an umbrella for all of these, the cave which is formed by itself like nowhere else in the district, the oldest Asvatha tree which is opposite to the northern entrance and Vaikuntha gate has spread like branches. It is very lucky to have this northern door face.

Special Puja

Special pujas will be performed for Lord Kurmaavatara. A large number of devotees from various states have come to pay obeisance to this Kurmanarayana Jayanthi celebrations. Sharada Peetham Acchidananda Swami, Kalyana Peetham Kalyana Swami, Kurnool, Adoni Vasavi Bhajan Mandali participated in these pujas.